CMS Introduction

Campus Management Solutions CMS is the world’s leading student system solution for higher education and is being used at over 800 campuses in more than 20 countries for it is boasts of some of the biggest names in the academic world: Stanford, Cambridge, etc…
CMS provides students, faculty, and staff with immediate access to real-time information and connects that information to specific action.
Overview of the CMS key modules

Campus Community

• Ability to create and maintain data about people and organizations, both internal and external to institution
• Ability to store numerous types (home, business, campus, billing, etc.) of contact data (addresses, phones, email)
• Ability to store numerous types of names (primary, legal, preferred)
• Ability to create and maintain data about institutional events and committees
• Ability to assign levels of service
o Positive - providing preferential levels of service
o Negative - withholding service
• Campus services grouped to facilitate providing or withholding services
• Ability to assign “to do” items grouped by checklist to individuals, organizations, or events
Student Records & Academic Advisement
• Requisites and enrollment restrictions
• Class schedule and class section features
• Multiple concurrent academic careers and academic programs
• Record mid-term and intermediate grades
• Attendance tracking
• Mass enrollment
• Milestones
• Degree Audit
• Transcript Generation
• Graduation clearance, awarding degrees

Grade Book

• Enables Instructors To:
o Define assignments for a Course/Class
o Track assignments and assessments
o Report Mid-Term or deficiency grades
o Ease communication with students

• Report Final Grades at the end of the class
o Enables Students To View:
o Details about learning activities (assignments, tests, etc.)
o Their grades in assignments/test as they progress through the class
o Personal notes from Instructor
o Their Mid-Term and Final Grade


• Perform automatic admission evaluations based on user-defined criteria
• Return immediate decision to user
• Perform multiple evaluations in the background
• Seamless integration with UET existing Admissions


Student Financials and Financial Aid
• Calculate Tuition based on Student Enrollment and Other Criteria
• Maintain Student Receivables
• Post disbursements from Financial Aid
• Bill Students
• Age Accounts and Helps Manage Collections
• Enables multi-level routing rules to accommodate approvals:
• Before refunds are issued
• Before a group of charges and/or payments is posted
• Before various collections activity

Campus Self Service

• Students
o View class schedule and enrollment appointments
o View grades and progress towards degree
o Perform pro-forma degree audits based on Program changes or anticipated transfer credits
o Apply for graduation
o See Financial dues
• Instructors/Advisors
o View teaching schedules and class rosters
o View advising rosters and track student progress
o Communicate with individual students or groups
o Enter and maintain class assignments
o Enter and approve grade